Artist Spotlight
Music by Bill Eilbacher
I was born in 1948 when most women wouldn’t consider abortion. Luckily for me, my alcoholic mother didn’t either. I was still born (not stillborn) , the runt of the litter and had extreme difficulty keeping up with my year older brother or even my friends. I still beat the odds by becoming a well respected and sought after electrical contractor by living right and studying the ways of Jesus. Although I had no formal training and lacked experience, I managed to land job after job with increasingly more responsibilities until I was designated the residential Contract Manager. After 12 years of dedicated service to the same mid-sized electrical contractor, I decided to go out on my own and experienced the same results. I couldn’t have done this on my own and think back about all the times that I happened to be in the right place at the right time. Coincidence? I think not. I also am a staunch pro lifer like Deb and firmly believe in the concept of womb to tomb.
I created the song “THOU SHALL NOT KILL” after Roe v Wade was finally repealed. It was a long time coming. I am a 74 year young retired electrical contractor who is now pursuing what is currently a hobby of writing inspiring country music. The vocalist on the song is Deb Thomas, a choir director at a large church in Nashville, TN.
Thou Shalt Not Kill

More about Deb Thomas
Deb has been singing professionally for almost all of her life. From early on, it was apparent that music would be her life. From live appearances with Donna Fargo and Ray Stevens to Diane Carroll, John Denver, James Brown, and many others, Deb has covered all the bases. She’s done jingles for Walmart, Coors, Pepsi, Ford, Weight Watchers, The Today Show, and Famous Footwear, to name just a few. Deb is also an accomplished Voice Over artist with credits from Regal Cinemas… [read more]
Copyright 2022: Bill Eilbacher
God’s Fifth Commandment tells us, it’s wrong, thou shall not kill/
And that includes abortion, and the morning after pill/
Just because they’re free, not married, never want to be a wife/
Doesn’t mean that they’re allowed to take, an innocent unborn’s life/
Life starts out at conception, both religion and science say/
That using morning after pills, snuffs life out right away/
Because it’s their own bodies, they think they have free choice/
Roe vs Wade’s been overturned, now the unborn have a voice/
They’d go to jail for killing, a neighbor’s dog or cat/
But kill an unborn fetus, they think nothing’s wrong with that/
Throughout all human history, we’ve reaped just what we’ve sown/
Our morals now have sunk so low, we’ve cut them to the bone/
Life starts out at conception, both religion and science say/
That using morning after pills, snuffs life out right away/
Because it’s their own bodies, they think they have free choice/
Roe vs Wade’s been overturned, now the unborn have a voice/
Finally Roe vs Wade’s been overturned, now all children have a voice/
Since Roe vs Wade’s been overturned, Pro Lifers can rejoice/
SCOTUS heard our moral voice/
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